
Specializing in people who don't like their picture taken.

I love everything about photography, except getting in front of the camera. And in my experience as a school photographer, I know I'm not alone. For many, picture day is one of the most dreaded days of the year. You see a photo of yourself and the first thing you look for is what you're the most self conscious about. "How's my double chin? Do I really have that many wrinkles? Where did that pimple come from? I look tired. I look stressed. That's not what I look like in my head." I get it. Oh, do I get it!

If your driver's license picture is your only experience with getting your photo taken, then, no, you're not going to be very excited for a session. But this is not an ID picture. This is your session! The time to show your personality. To have fun, be creative, try something new. Smoke bombs? Absolutely! Walk 10 miles around the city? I'm ready! Just have coffee and pretend I'm not there? Got it! And yes, at first it will be awkward, like a blind date or the first day of school. But I am a "no pressure" photographer, with mom jokes for days that will make you cringe and laugh and forget the camera is there. No two sessions are alike because no two people are the same.

Which session is my favorite? Yours! 😊